Only 2% of the population gets what they need to from the food they eat making it important to take a high quality, non-synthetic multi-vitamin that does not use binders or fillers to replenish your body with what is lacking in your diet. Ask your doctor for a vitamin D blood test to see if you should be taking a vitamin D supplement, and how much. Know the supplement company you use. I personally use Shaklee brand myself, with my family, and with my clients because they are free of all banned substances, are all natural, and have been tested for over 360 pesticides, herbicides and contaminants. See the supplements list for details. Always tell your doctor or pharmacist which supplements and over-the-counter medicine you take.
Contact me to order Shaklee supplements or with any questions or concerns!
Contact me to order Shaklee supplements or with any questions or concerns!
A consumer needs to be careful when choosing supplements because they are not regulated. This is why I choose to recommend Shaklee. Shaklee has been around for over 55 years and ensures their
supplements are pharmaceutical-grade. Shaklee has put hundreds of millions of dollars into research and development of their products. In addition, Shaklee is a
climate-neutral company. Remember, supplements are not evaluated by the FDA,
and they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Always
tell your physician and pharmacist which supplements you are taking, as some
may interfere with medications.
Watch this video to learn how Shaklee is different.
I'm not the only fitness professional that only trusts Shaklee. Check out Harley Pasternak, best-selling fitness and diet author and “A-list” celebrity trainer, explaining why Shaklee is the only nutrition company that he really trusts, and why he recommends the simplicity of the Shaklee 180 weight loss system to all of his clients!
learn why it's important to use more than just a single multivitamin, and how Shaklee's Vitalizer is the most scientifically advanced multi-nutrient supplement pack on the market today.