At the end of the summer don’t let your garden herbs go to waste. Blending your basil with garlic and a little extra virgin olive oil to make sure you always have extra flavor on hand all year long. This flavorful frozen cube easily melts into your favorite recipe. Use it to flavor soups, stews, rice, beans, meats and more. The options are limitless. If you don’t grow your own herbs stop by your local farmers market to stock up.
Pull basil leaves and wash well. Add 3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil into food processor or blender and top with 5 cup of rinsed basil leaves. Drop in 1 medium clove of cooled and peeled roasted garlic (recipe on, add some fresh ground black pepper and drizzle leftover olive oil from roasted garlic on top of basil. Blend quickly or with pulsing option on a low speed just until the mixture becomes a slightly liquidly paste. If the basil won’t blend down press the basil down in between runs and add a small amount of more oil if needed. Transfer mixture into a mixing bowl and continue in batches until you are through the basil you want to preserve for the winter. Feel free to add more or less garlic depending on your tastes. Once you get all of the basil done spoon into ice cube trays and freeze. Once frozen place cubes into several small freezer bags so you can pull out a few cubes at a time and limit the chance of freezer burn.
5 cups pulled basil
1 cooled and peeled roasted garlic clove
¾ cup extra virgin olive oil
Oil reserved from roasted garlic
Fresh ground black pepper
Pull basil leaves and wash well. Add 3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil into food processor or blender and top with 5 cup of rinsed basil leaves. Drop in 1 medium clove of cooled and peeled roasted garlic (recipe on, add some fresh ground black pepper and drizzle leftover olive oil from roasted garlic on top of basil. Blend quickly or with pulsing option on a low speed just until the mixture becomes a slightly liquidly paste. If the basil won’t blend down press the basil down in between runs and add a small amount of more oil if needed. Transfer mixture into a mixing bowl and continue in batches until you are through the basil you want to preserve for the winter. Feel free to add more or less garlic depending on your tastes. Once you get all of the basil done spoon into ice cube trays and freeze. Once frozen place cubes into several small freezer bags so you can pull out a few cubes at a time and limit the chance of freezer burn.
5 cups pulled basil
1 cooled and peeled roasted garlic clove
¾ cup extra virgin olive oil
Oil reserved from roasted garlic
Fresh ground black pepper